As we find ourselves in Autumn the change of seasons is becoming more apparent. Some perennials are already going dormant (looking at you swamp milkweed) while others, like the Asters, are just getting their bloom started. Many plants are setting fruit, seed, or nuts which not only provide fall and winter interest, but are a life source for migrating and resident songbirds.
Although many are familiar with the change in foliage color for deciduous trees, not much thought is given towards the perennials in our garden. This is especially true of our native grasses that put on quite a show this time of year with their mixed hues of blue, red, purple, and gold.
This is also a reminder to "be a messy gardener" and leave all of your perennials standing for the winter ahead. This will provide songbirds and other wildlife with seeds and fruit, but also provides shelter for the myriad of beneficial insects that overwinter within the hollowed stems of our dormant plants. Allow leaves from your trees to remain on the ground to form a natural mulch and help enrich your soil naturally as nature intended. This leaf litter is integral part of many ecosystems and many of our native wildlife species require this habitat to survive, including songbirds, box turtles, and salamanders.
We also have a few "Leave the Leaves" signs left over from last year if anyone is interested in displaying the sign in their own gardens and educating their neighbors on the benefits and importance of the leaf litter! The sign also features a QR code linking directly to the Long Island Native Plant Gardening Group on Facebook.
Leave the Leaves Sign (12"x18") - $25 Pick Up Only